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So sweet. McKenna fell asleep on the couch. Carrington went over and gave her a kiss and hug while she was sleeping. If only they will stay that sweet. Carrington trying out the hole. This is a way to cool off.
McKenna jumping in her hole. Pop and Carrington at Lulu's Uncle Mike dug this giant hole for McKenna. She had a blast playing in it everyday. Dad fishing.
McKenna and her sand castle. Nene and Carrington. It was certainly nap time for Carrington. Carrington enjoying an apple. Meme on the beach.
Why can't I catch those birds? Busy at the beach. Papa fishing. McKenna and Pop having a watergun battle.
Ahh! This is the way to stay cool. There is the purse again. Nice cold treat. Nene, Pop, and McKenna playing Candyland.
Playing in the sand. So this is what you mean by sand? Nene and Carrington attempting to build a sand castle. Someone liked to knock them down. Pop and Carrington sharing a snack.
Carrington playing in the pool on the deck. Nice and cool.
Daddy showing Carrington the ocean. Last year when we came she was just 4 weeks old. See her purse she loved to carry to the beach. Could wait...She had to get in the water. Pop and Carrington having a talk about the ocean. Scott catching one of the hundreds of jellyfish we saw.
McKenna pretending she is at a spa. Nene, Pop, Carrington, and McKenna Pop swinging McKenna First sight of the ocean when we arrived.
Uncle Kevin and Carrington Snack time at the beach. McKenna and her pet crab. Scott catches a fish.
We are the Myrick family. We have three beautiful girls McKenna, Carrington and Hadleigh. I am so thankful and blessed to have a wonderful husband Scott and my three, precious girls.