After lunch, we were suppose to go see the new American Girl movie. We got lost in Trussville (thanks to the GPS). So we went to the next stop...school supply shopping. I remember loving this as a kid. Of course, when I went in a store I wasn't interested in toys. I wanted my mom to take me to the school supply section. I guess it was the inner teacher in me. McKenna was gathering everything off her list...pencils, crayons, glue, etc.

Here she is in her model pose with the backpack and lunchbox she picked out.

At home showing daddy all her new supplies. She told me on the way home..."Mom, I'm excited about school now." That made the whole trip worth while.

See all the supplies! It makes me want to cry when I think that my baby starts kindergarten this year. I can not believe the time has come for this. I am so thankful that I will be there everyday to see how she changes, make friends, eats her lunch, Ha! I love this little girl so much!!!!!