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Pictures Before we Leave the Beach

I get emotional every year when we leave the beach. I know that I can't get that time back with my husband and girls. Time flies so fast. I have been coming to this beach house since Scott and I were dating, engaged, married, baby 1, baby 2, and next year baby 3. My how we have changed. I cherish the time I have had this year and all the wonderful memories. I must admit it makes me sad as well. They are growing up so fast. Next year McKenna will be seven, Carrington 3, and the new baby will be 11 months. I love my family and wish that I could freeze time every once in a while. So here is to a great vacation filled with lots of laughs, good times, and memories.
Family of four will become five on July 14.
Swinging in the hammock.
Belly shot...I have not taken any so it was time to get a shot for her baby book.
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