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Sick Baby Hadleigh

Hadleigh had to be hospitalized for spinal meningitis. This was certainly not a fun experience. She is four weeks old and had to have a spinal tap, catheter, IV, and blood drawn in order to find out the diagnosis. It is very hard as a mommy to see your helpless baby go through all of this. I am very thankful for great doctors, nurses, and for a hospital like Children's that gave her such wonderful care. We are blessed that she is better and can not say enough about how thankful we are for the prayers, call, thoughts, and visits. It meant the world to us to know that hundreds of people were praying on our behalf. She finally began to rest and feel better on Sunday and I understand that almost 15 different churches called out her name in prayer. Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers. 1 Peter 5:7

This is a picture of her poor little hand with the IV.
She had to have warm packs on her arm because she pulled out her IV in her hand.
Finally able to rest in the hospital bed.
Sleeping on her boppy after having blood drawn.
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