Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Birthday Girl

This is Carrington at one year old. She is such a sweet and happy baby. I can't imagine our lives without her. She has brought our whole family so much joy. She has a very loving disposition and hates to see anyone upset (especially McKenna). We can already see that she loves baby dolls and being outside. Her favorite things...eating, sleeping on mommy, swinging, riding in the wagon, dancing to music, and getting into things (drawers, cabinets, you name it). She and McKenna love each other so much. I always thought time was flying when McKenna arrived. Now having two, it goes even faster. They both are hitting milestones before I blink my eyes. It is hard to believe that this year has gone by and she is not the little baby in the picture below. My goal is to enjoy every little moment so I can remember every special time. Happy Birthday Day bugaboo!

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1 comment:

The Rice Family said...

Happy Birthday Carrington! We hope you had a great day!